The relic of light

Before existence itself, there were 7 relics.

Before existence itself, there were 7 relics. They are different but the same.


All relics have a filter!

The relic is protected by itself.


One does not care about the other, and the other does not care about itself! Each life embodies a spirit! Each spirit is of value! Either it is your neighbor, or it is yourself! The one that does not value even one spirit, it is not worthy to wield the relic!

No evil and no altruistic can wield it!

Name – The sword of light

Description – Unknown

What can it do – Can harvest the power of a star

What else it can do – Unknown

Appearance – One of seven

Book availability – Available 

Name – Unknown

Description – Unknown

What can it do – Unknown

What else it can do – Unknown

Appearance – Three of seven

Book availability – Not available