The master stops drinking from the spring. With the remaining water, he cleans his face. Joyful and without worry, he answers Larissa and the rest.
Oran: Yes! Consider yourself… “civilized moles”!
Some start to laugh. Most have accepted their fate. They know they will spend the night here,and they cannot do anything about it. Larissa begins to understand as well. She sighs.
Brett: But… aren’t we already civilized up there?
Brett points, with his finger, towards the upper ground above them! He refers to the surface.
Oran: Order, not comfort, young creatures! What if tomorrow… you will not have something to eat or sleep? What would you do?
There is no answer. Tough question!
Oran: The environment is not something everlasting… It is everchanging! You might not sense that, but it is happening! Now, go! Explore the place! Grab some hay; pick a hut and make your bed! Tomorrow you will learn about this planet’s state-2 spirits and the first steps in Master-Disciple training!
Master Oran gazes around. Near the first steps of the grass land, there are some cloths. Oran grabs a cloth and puts its on his shoulder. He needs it to carry some hay.
The master leaves the trainees by themselves. He goes in search of a haystack.
Oran: And stay out of the tunnels!
The master walks away. The trainees heard what they must do. Each youngling grabs a cloth and goes to gather some hay.
Dimia goes with Gracia and Vero. There are giants and phase-2 trainees around. Dimia thinks there might be her SISTER!
Dimia: Let’s head to the giants! Maybe Palacia is with them!
The three younglings walk towards the place where giants, adolescents and animals are. In their walk, they observe all kind of fruit trees are in the garden. As they pass a lake, they can see that the lake holds an amrita tree. They see how the mountain surrounds them from all parts. They understand that those are just the walls of the cave. They are not outside the cave.
Vero: The place is enormous…
Gracia: It does not feel as if we left the surface
Vero: I’m so excited!
Dimia: Why?