This controls better the attachment problem that occurs in people… There are no clans… no tribe names! We are all ONE… together… on this planet we call home.
The Master begins to present some of the benefits of this system.
Vallon: You are given a place of sleep, where you can spend time relaxing. You can clean yourself, you can eat, print clothes of your desire… You can nourish your curiosity from the stone-cube, from the vambraces… You can borrow travel-vehicles to go wherever you want ...There are amrita trees in all lakes. Starvation is never a problem! You don’t own anything, but everything, that is not used, can be borrowed.
Rahul: Why we cannot have our own stuff?
Vallon: Things don’t last forever… not even your vessels… get used to the idea… You carry out only your spirit… so invest in it!
Things are meant to be used not to form attachments with. The young WhiteCircles understand Vallon’s answer.
Azur: This system is for the individual… but I saw some great big things… things that one person cannot make alone! The sanctuaries for example, are they made by a giant?
Vallon: No… The architects and builders in the Green canton are in charge with these specific responsibilities… Thereis no giant in the 5Canton
Azur: So, they are made by more than one individual… how they succeed to sorter things out? I mean… each person is different… how one group decision is made?
Vallon: Well you are sitting on the answer, young Azur
The boy gazes beneath himself. He moves his feet in search for the answer. The other trainees do the same. Palacia thinks she might had figured out the answer!
Palacia: The Triangle?
Master Vallon smiles. The BlackSquare admires Palacia’s wit.
Vallon: This is not a title, nor a canton… nor a profession… The Triangle is a responsibility! There is a Triangle on each sanctuary…There is a Triangle for each canton… And each great land has its own 5Canton Triangles…
Zaia: What do th…
Vallon: “What do they do?”, you ask? They make the large-scale decisions! What constructions should be built. Where should lakes be placed. How the weather will be… The Triangle is our process of management for dealing with certain tasks.