The trainees notice her. The woman jumps from the rock and starts to interact with the trainees.
Alya: Good… you are all here! Hello, young hopes! I am Alya BlueSquare; I will be your trainer today! I see you found the pylons…
Rahul: No thanks to you…
Alya: Ah… but of course… how could you find them by yourselves?
The BlueSquare goes to the green pylon. She smoothly touches it with her fingers.
Alya: To find what cannot be found… takes skills… observation skills… adaptation skills… orientation skills… Good thing you observed that bird; it ruined the goal of your quest…
The trainees are amused of their master’s sarcasm. Palacia asks a question.
Palacia: What are those?
Palacia kindly points to the pylons, hoping for an answer from her master. The BlueSquare gazes at the pylons.
Alya: Well… you are having SquareTraining… The training of the mind! These are the foundations of it!
The WhiteCircles gaze upon the pylons with a respectful perspective! Those are the pylons that hold the structure of the mind together!
Alya: Come! Sit somewhere! The lesson begins!
The young adolescents sit on the grass right in front of the pylons. Some sit with their legs crossed. Some lay on their belly. They are sitting as they please and they are comfortable.
The BlueSquare stands near the green pylon.
Alya: Well… This for example… is the ENVIRONMENT pylon! This pylon represents a thing that our senses can detect! Every medium you face, whether it’s a nature or social one… it has its challenges! It is important to study the environment and understand it! So that you would be able to use it in your advantage!
The BlueSquare master moves to the next pylon. The yellow pylon! She takes a moment and admires it.
Alya: Quantities… structures… space…CHANGE! The ANALYTICAL pylon! Mathematics changed our world into a better one! This is the groundwork of the Square training… You know what is the first lesson of SQUARE?
A WhiteCircle answers.
Zaia: Be curious!