White Training trains the individual so that it would not have to go the Black Forest.
Vallon: Education is mandatory! You will receive the abilities to protect yourself!
The young adolescents listen. Master Vallon has their full attention! His firm tonality offers interest to his words.
Vallon: Some lose the fight. In the Forest, some take substances to feel different sensations or pleasures! They silence the wider perception, but it is dangerous, and it might compromise themind…
The Black Forest seems a dark place, as the stories of their parents tell.
Vallon: Few go to the Forest! Some go for fun, others to rest! Some dislike and lack order! I consider the Black Forest a training place! One in which the temptations of the vessel are becoming clearly known and thus they will lack interest to the spirit! Because they do not give you a direction!
The Master’s words become clearer to the young adolescents. Vallon answers his initial question.
Vallon: It is the most important title, because this is the lowest title there is! You surpass the foundation the rest becomes lighter!
The young WhiteCircles understand the role of each canton. They build order. The Black Forest offers the freedom to live in disorder.
The adolescents desire order in their lives, but the clearness of the future is absent. They are still young. They observe that the teachings of the phase-2 are more complex than when they were younglings.
Master Vallon senses their discouragement and tries to lift them up!
Vallon: Your power comes from your spirit! You will find your answers! Your ikigai will show itself!
The Master’s faithful eyes and full of confidence give the young WhiteCircle’s hope!
The civilization system has been presented.
Vallon: Any questions?
Azur: How did ANDROMEDA came up with this system?
Vallon: Good question, Azur. They had extracted the solutions from the problems.
Zaia: What problems?
Vallon: In a civilization, egotism and the desire, to control and keep all the valuable things for themselves, destabilize the others. They eliminated the elements of selfishness and possessions!