The adults hide their smile. So, as the adolescents. This speech is known by them! This question is put especially for the younglings!
A phase-1, first year, boy wonders about the given question. The answer could not be his parents! They are not even here. Maybe the answer must be “his friends” – the boy thinks. They are many, but the answer must be referring to one specifically! So, the path of questions leads to one particular question. Whois that one?
The young boy dares to answer!
Vero: Our DISCIPLE! Our chosen pet!
The BlackSquare is pleased with the answer.
Vallon: Most state-2 spirits have a small life cycle. They will be part of your life a short period of time… What is your name, young circle?
Vero: Vero WhiteCircle, Master!
Vallon: Courage is one of your qualities Vero, but there is another answer…
The master turns his gaze. He turns it from left to right, at all WhiteCircles. The BlackSquare looks at EVERYONE. Vellon gives the answer!
Vallon: YOURSELF… You are the person whom you will spend most of the time with.
This answer comes with a slight of confusion for the younglings.
Vallon: You are the most kind, most thoughtful, most insufferable, horrible person you will spend most of your time with.
The BlackSquare’s words start to gain some meaning.
Vallon: How can you deal with such aperson? Change! Become a better person!
The BlackSquare has presented the connection between strength and change! Some younglings are confused. Well the first-year ones are.
Vallon: Training starts tomorrow. The vambraces already scanned you. Play with them and find where they put you inthe sanctuary. Remember! The answer lies in the question!
The BlackSquare has ended his speech and leaves. The adolescents leave as well – they have overheard the speech several times. The adult Circles gather to the younglings. They help the young ones to understand how the vambraces work.
A small step inthe master-disciple training for the adults is to aid the younglings! To offer them information and help the next generation to grow as well!