


      Dimia: NOO… I mean… they want us to wake up early in the morning

The response was unexpected. All WhiteCircle wake up early in the morning. Azur does not know what to say.

      Azur: …

Palacia sarcastically makes fun of the ones who demand the matinal awakening.

      Palacia: Real savages…

      Dimia: And an awful bird kept screaming…

      Azur: Rocco… I know! He woke me up aswell…

      Wriwbog: Rocco?

Aotor looks at Wriwbog and offers a clear answer.

      Aotor: Big bird!

      Wriwbog: AAA… yes… big bird watches us!

The giant Wriwbog raises its chin and points with it at the top of a sanctuary. Above the stone construction, the roc bird sits in silence, with its wings around itself. It only turns its beak when its gaze move. Rocco watches from above and can see everything!

      Azur: He is kind of annoying… everywhere I go, Rocco is around…

      Palacia: I think is nice to have a watchful protector

      Dimia: I thought pets weren’t allowed here…

      Azur: He isn’t my pet. Rocco is Master Nickalen’s disciple

      Aotor: Roc birds are hard to train… I never heard of someone having one as a disciple…

      Azur: The Triangle Masters were kind enough to accept him after they heard Rocco flew me here

      Dimia: “Triangle”? Those are the highest rank here?

      Palacia: Yeah… I and Azur will learn more about that in the next days…

The roc bird gazes upon the WhiteCircles. High above, standing on the sanctuary’s stone-generator, Rocco can clearly see the landscape. The bird wonders about its Master. Rocco has a mission. That is its priority! The bird will not allow to bring failure to its Master! The bird gazes upon Azur. The boy is well taken care of.

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