


In their walk, they encounter a LAKE! Where there is alake, there is a tree! Amrita fruit tree! The boys must be hungry – Nickalen thinks.

      Nickalen: Let’s stop here to grab some fruits

      Azur: Sure, Master! Do you have a rope and a needle?

      Nickalen: What for?

      Azur: Platon is too young for amrita… I have to make a fishing rod to get him some food

      Nickalen: Check the backpack; I have some threads and some metal wires. You deal with the fish; I’ll go gather some amrita

The Green drops his backpack. He leaves it behind for Azur to search in it. The boy checks for some utilities to form his fishing rod. Azur finds a thin long line and a needle. The boy gazes at the needle and tries to figure out how to curve it to form a HOOK! The platypus stares at the needle, confused as well. Azur searches the backpack and finds a knife! The boy gets an idea! He grabs a near rock and starts to carefully shape the needle! He uses the handle from the knife as a pattern to curve the needle!

The GreenCircle comes out of the lake. Nickalen wears only trunks and the gray vambraces. He left the black armor on the shore, while he went to swim towards the tree.

      Nickalen: You are doing fine work there

The boy finishes curving the needle. The Green gives Azur a branch to use as a fishing stick.

      Azur: Done! Thank you for the stick, Master

      Nickalen: No worries, kid.

The GreenCircle gives a golden fruit to Azur to eat.

      Nickalen: Here, take a slight of amrita for the hook. The fish love it!

The boy ties the needle with the thread. Then, the other end of the thread he uses to tie the stick. Azur’s imagination begins to wander around!

      Azur: You know, Master… if you could control the hook with your mind instead with the rod, this could be a great weapon! You could control the direction! Grab the enemy and bring it to you!

The GreenCircle appreciates Azur use of imagination. Nickalen considers for a moment the possibility of such a weapon, but his interest fades quickly. The GreenCircle does not imagine the mighty Shields being “hookers”.  

The needle is curved. As a finishing touch, Azur sharpens the point of the needle and puts some amrita on it for bait! The boy swings the stick and throws the hook in the water. The two Circles relax near the shore of the lake.

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