


Azur climbs the rock. The second hand checks the next rock to climb! The boy quickly adapts and ascends the rocks!

      Azur: Master, this is easier than I thought!

The boy continues to ascend the rocks. The GreenCircle is pleased with the boy’s progress. Nickalen checks to see if the platypus is doing well. He does not sense any movement in the backpack. He sees that Platon has fallen asleep. Or it has fainted! Not a mountain explorer this platypus fella.

Half-way through the climb, the boy continues to ascend with ease. He climbs the rocks with all four limbs as a natural mountaineer! All his uncertainly has gone! Azur takes amoment to enjoy his achievement. He wonders how his master and platypus are doing!

So, the boy turns his gaze below! And beholds! The distance! The HEIGHT! The fear of heights appears yet again! Azur’s heart starts to beat faster and faster! The boy loses his balance!

A slight of distraction was all it took! The boy’s foot slips! Azur falls!

The GreenCircle sees the fall! He firmly moves his feet in a strong and secure place! Nickalen grabs and catches Azur! He pulls him up.

      Nickalen: Hey num-nuts, are you okay?

The boy is terrified. He could have died!

      Azur: NO! I am not! I just want to go HOME! I had enough with your crazy suicidal trip!

      Nickalen: Let’s sit for a moment…

The boy breathes heavily but he listens to his master. They both sit on a near rock.

      Azur: Is this White Training all about?

      Nickalen: This is not White Training; this is just Master-Disciple “fun”

      Azur: FUN? I don’t consider “fun” being hunted by predators, falling from trees or being harassed by the mountain!

      Nickalen: Shh… you will wake Platon!

The boy looks at the GreenCircle’s backpack. Azur sees the platypus is asleep.

      Azur: Oh… I am disgrace to Platon… How he can learn to survive if I am not able?! This wouldn’t happen if I wasn’t afraid of heights…

      Nickalen: Your eyes are afraid of heights…

The boy does not understand.

      Nickalen: Let me show you a trick!

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